
Rose Quartz Necklace 0369064


Discover the beauty and serenity of our handcrafted necklace from polished pink quartz stones. Assyrians and Romans are believed to have been the first to use rose quartz. Egyptians believed that rose quartz could prevent aging, and further research about the stone’s uses can teach you the rituals performed with it to extract its energy.

Availability: 2 in stock

SKU: 0369064 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

Each bead is carefully knotted to fit comfortably around your neck, creating a stunning accessory that radiates elegance.  Embrace the harmonious energy of rose quartz, known for its ability to open the heart and align your spirit. This necklace invites positivity and love into your life, making it a perfect addition to your jewelry collection.

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 5 in


19 IN, 48 CM


Necklace Weight

00 LB 12 OZ

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